Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Group

Often 'groups' form and get together cyclic such as weekly or biweekly. The group has as it members other folks with the intent (supposedly) to exchange 'leads' or referrals for one another.

In theory this idea is stellar. In practice the idea has major issues and that is the main reason I am blogging. Let's assume for a moment that you attend such a group. It has 25 members. If only 10% 'get it' and truly network then 2.5 people (there may be a really short guy) are working their little asses off to find referrals for others inside the group. Each one (and a half) can produce 5-10 solid referrals a week. Easy. Lets stay conservative and go low...5. 5 X 2.5 = that's about 13 referrals a week.

I lost you. I lost you at 'each person....5-10 solid referrals a week'. I lost you because you may have never produced that number, if any, referrals. I do. Yes really. I do. I do because I am trained to do. Trust me, if you want to you can too.

Back to our assumption; if 20% 'get it' the number doubles to 26 +/1. But if half of the group got it then they would be generating 50 referrals a week for fellow members. Ea-freaking-zee. That would average to two solid referrals for each member.

The other 90% are either vampires or simply refuse to let this information sink in. The may be rubber monkey sellers and many are but they may also just be following the leader how is untrained as well. Sad too because with just a little more effort the entire group will raise their own income potential by four hundred percent. They would also lower the cost to capture new clients to almost zero. Do some math here...

Profit = Gross$ - cost to generate gross$. The biggest expense is often the cost to capture new clients. So reduce that cost to almost zero and raise the potential by 400% and you now have a serious reason to re-examine networking. And your 'group'.

So while many may think I am writing this blog for my ego, the ones who read this may suddenly see the value in networking and by looking deeper, they should see MY hidden agenda:


Networking right results in easier, more profitable sales with much less hassle on my part. Period.

How do I find the right group? You don't. You find the right people in the group.
How will I know? Easy, did they try to sell you a rubber monkey or did they teach you who to look for as a referral?

Rubber Monkey Sellers beware. I am just getting started.

soon I am going to name the RMS I deal with often.

One rule we need to cover now:

All things being equal in today's economy we will but from those we Know Like and Trust.

RMS are hard to like because they are annoying. Hard to like = hard to know. Hard to know= hard to trust. Hard to trust = no sale.

get your RMS to read this blog.

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